
Settings pages in Kinaki allow you to manage your account, organization, and project, as well as many other settings.

Accessing settings

To access settings, click on your name on the top-right of the page and then on “Settings”. You can navigate to the specific settings pages using the settings menu on the left of the page.

To access settings relating to a specific page, click on the “SETTINGS” button on the top-right of the page.

More about settings

To find out how to manage your Account, Organization, or Project, please visit the specific pages of the Kinaki Guide.

The information about settings relating to a specific page in Kinaki can be found under the guide for this specific page. For example, to learn about the settings for the Project Logic page, go to the Project Logic page in this Guide. You can find these pages in the Guide’s menu on the left.

Furthermore, can learn about what Data Collection Tools in Kinaki are and how to manage them on the Data Collection Tools page of the Guide.